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The very rare cedar forest of Issos, Corfu island.

*Gongis Studios (20 min drive, Car) is located next to one of the eight cedar forests of Greece (Between Chalikounas and Issos ), protected by the EU program Natura 2000.

Korision Lake and Cedar Forest are waiting for you to explore them while on holidays in Corfu!

The Cedar forest in Issos is the only cedar forest that exists on the island and is located in the lakeside areas of Lake Korission, the largest and most significant wetland in the island. The Cedar forest is situated above the sandy beaches of Chalikounas and Issos and consists of sharp cedars, a kind of cedar that grows in the northern Mediterranean coastal sands. What is better than to enjoy swimming in these wonderful beaches and then wander in this unique forest?

The whole area is preserved and integrated in the network Natura and includes, besides the Cedar forest, the Lake, the beaches but also the sand dunes, the creation of which started 120-240 thousand years ago and their height surpasses 15 meters, creating a unique, regarding its aesthetics, landscape. Small reed beds and tamarisk trees, white lilies and 14 different species of orchid in the sand complete the beautiful image of the Cedar forest and of the lagoon.

Credit Photo : Bill Metallinos


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