Live the experience to see Flamingos at Corfu

Alikes is a designated protected area 'Natura', located in the southernmost peninsula of the island, just north of the town Lefkimi. It is one of the most
important wetlands in Corfu and habitat for several bird species.
"The best time for bird watching is between May and early October."
The harbor of Alikes is easily accessible from the Gongis Studis ( 20 minutes by car ) by following the main route to Lefkimi. In the past, salt was traditionally harvested in this part of the island. Animal-drawn carts were used to transport the salt from the salt pans to the processing areas. Nowadays, the salt pans have fallen into disuse and became an amazing wildlife refuge for flamingos, egrets and many other migratory birds.

The lake of Alikes attracts thousands of flamingos every year and the saline water drove the flamingos to nest in 2012 for the first time.

Another spot to watch flamingos is the Korission lagoon which is located within a 10 minutes drive from Gongis Studios . The best time for bird watching is between May and early October.