Achillion - Just outside Corfu town in the village of Gastouri, time seems to stand still

Just outside Corfu town in the village of Gastouri, time seems to stand still and we are taken back to the era when emperors and princesses were the subjects of every fairy tale. 10 km south west of the town, you will see a well-preserved majestic palace which continues to attract the admiration of visitors.
Achillion was the favorite esort of two famous figures of European history that the only thing they had in common was their worship for Corfu and Greece and its culture, the Empress of Austro-Hungary, Elizabeth, known as Princess Sissy, and the Kaiser of Germany, Wilhelm II. She built it to forget her pain.

*The distance is only 25 minutes from Gongis Studios
He bought it after her death, but the war he declared would not allow him to enjoy it. During World War I and II the palace was occupied, but it was unfortunately looted. After years of reconstruction and renovation, it gained most of its former glory and now houses the Achillion Museum which attracts many visitors each year.
The magic of the glorious past hits you at the entrance of the Palace where you can see incredible sculptures and statues inspired by the ancient Greek mythology, impressive terraced gardens and a stunning view. As you enter the palace, you should look up the staircase and see the priceless work of art that celebrates Greek mythology with the statues of Zeus and Hera, smaller statues and plaster sculptures.

To the right is a portait of Empress Elizabeth while on the left you can admire the marble fireplace and statues that adorn it. The ceiling is covered with an enormous unique work of art allegorically depicting the "Four Seasons". At the top of the stairs there is a grand painting depicting the "Triumph of Achilles" in the battle with Hector. Elizabeth's Catholic church is an true work of art, the highlight being the dome mural depicting the trial of Christ.

There is furniture and objects in Elizabeth's room, as well as a large painting depicting Ulysses and Nafsika on the island of Corfu while in the Kaiser Room personal items belonging to the German Emperor Wilhelm II are displayed, along with a portrait of him and paintings with marine themes.
The exterior of the palace is also decorated with unparalleled artwork.